Title: | Fitting the Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution MEVD |
Description: | Extreme value analysis with the metastatistical extreme value distribution MEVD (Marani and Ignaccolo, 2015, <doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.03.001>) and some of its variants. In particular, analysis can be performed with the simplified metastatistical extreme value distribution SMEV (Marra et al., 2019, <doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.04.002>) and the temporal metastatistical extreme value distribution TMEV (Falkensteiner et al., 2023, <doi:10.1016/j.wace.2023.100601>). Parameters can be estimated with probability weighted moments, maximum likelihood and least squares. The data can also be left-censored prior to a fit. Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the MEVD, SMEV and TMEV are included. In addition, functions for the calculation of return levels including confidence intervals are provided. For a description of use cases please see the provided references. |
Authors: | Harald Schellander [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7661-287X>, Package creator and maintainer), Alexander Lieb [ctb] (Coded first versions of MEVD and SMEV), Marc-Andre Falkensteiner [ctb] (Developed the TMEV) |
Maintainer: | Harald Schellander <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.2.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-20 06:16:02 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/haraldschellander/mevr |
Finds the optimal left-censoring threshold(s) at which the data series should be censored to make sure that the observations in the tail are likely sampled from a Weibull distribution
censored_weibull_fit(x, thresholds, warn)
censored_weibull_fit(x, thresholds, warn)
x |
A tibble which is most commonly a result of function
thresholds |
A numeric or vector of quantiles which shal be tested as optimal threshold for left-censoring. |
warn |
If |
A tibble with the optimal threshold itself and the Weibull scale and shape parameters obtained from the censored sample.
data("dailyrainfall") wbtest <- weibull_tail_test(dailyrainfall) censored_weibull_fit(wbtest, 0.9)
data("dailyrainfall") wbtest <- weibull_tail_test(dailyrainfall) censored_weibull_fit(wbtest, 0.9)
A dataset containing daily rainfall
intended to be used with the package mevr
The dataset contains real world daily rainfall observations from a station
in the northern Alps. The series contains values from 1971 to 1985 and are assumed to be
Weibull distributed. This data series is intended to be used as is as input data
for the package mevr
to fit the metastatistical extreme value
distribution and its variants with different estimation methods.
The dataset is a dataframe with two columns, dates and val:
Days of class Date
in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Rainfall observations corresponding to the date in the row. The value is the 24 hour sum from the morning hours of day-1 to the morning hours of day.
## Load example data data(dailyrainfall) ## explore dataset head(dailyrainfall) hist(dailyrainfall$val) plot(dailyrainfall$val, type = "o")
## Load example data data(dailyrainfall) ## explore dataset head(dailyrainfall) hist(dailyrainfall$val) plot(dailyrainfall$val, type = "o")
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the MEV distribution with shape parameter 'w', scale parameter 'c'. Parameter 'n' refers either to the mean number of wet days per year in case of the simplified MEV, or to the number of wet days for each year.
dmev(x, w, c, n) pmev(q, w, c, n) qmev(p, w, c, n) rmev(N, w, c, n)
dmev(x, w, c, n) pmev(q, w, c, n) qmev(p, w, c, n) rmev(N, w, c, n)
x , q
numeric vector or single values of quantiles for |
w , c
vector or single values of shape and scale parameter of the MEV distribution. If a vector, w and c must have the same length as n. |
n |
Either mean number of wet events per year for the SMEV, or a vector for yearly MEVD calculations, i.e. one value per year (see details). If a vector, n must have the same length as w and c. |
p |
vector or single value of probabilities for |
N |
Number of observations to sample from the MEVD or SMEV. |
gives the density function, pmev
gives the distribution function,
gives the quantile function and rmev
provides random realizations of
the SMEV and MEVD.
: distribution quantile function
: quantile function
: random generation function
# SMEV dmev(1200:1300, 0.7, 20, 110) pmev(1200:1300, 0.7, 70, 110) qmev(1 - 1 / seq(5,50,5), 0.7, 70, 110) # MEVD: 50-year event of 10 years Weibull series w <- rnorm(10, 0.8, 0.1) # shape parameter c <- rnorm(10, 200, 30) # scale parameter n <- rnorm(10, 200, 50) # number of wet days qmev(1 - 1 / 50, w, c, n) # rl-plot rp <- seq(5, 50, 5) rl <- qmev(1 - 1 / rp, w, c, n) pp <- (1:length(rp)) / (length(rp) + 1) plot(pp, rl, type = "o")
# SMEV dmev(1200:1300, 0.7, 20, 110) pmev(1200:1300, 0.7, 70, 110) qmev(1 - 1 / seq(5,50,5), 0.7, 70, 110) # MEVD: 50-year event of 10 years Weibull series w <- rnorm(10, 0.8, 0.1) # shape parameter c <- rnorm(10, 200, 30) # scale parameter n <- rnorm(10, 200, 50) # number of wet days qmev(1 - 1 / 50, w, c, n) # rl-plot rp <- seq(5, 50, 5) rl <- qmev(1 - 1 / rp, w, c, n) pp <- (1:length(rp)) / (length(rp) + 1) plot(pp, rl, type = "o")
Quantile function for the TMEV distribution with a Weibull parent distribution.
dtmev(x, data) ptmev(q, data) qtmev(p, data)
dtmev(x, data) ptmev(q, data) qtmev(p, data)
x , q
Numeric vector or single value of probabilities for |
data |
A data frame with at least columns |
p |
Numeric vector or single value of probabilities for |
gives the density function, ptmev
gives the distribution function,
and qtmev
gives the quantile function of the TMEV.
: distribution quantile function
: distribution quantile function
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- ftmev(dailyrainfall) rp <- pp.weibull(fit$maxima) rl <- qtmev(1 - 1 / rp, fit$data) plot(rp, sort(fit$maxima), main = "TMEV", ylab = "return level", xlab = "return period (years)") lines(rp, rl, type = "l")
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- ftmev(dailyrainfall) rp <- pp.weibull(fit$maxima) rl <- qtmev(1 - 1 / rp, fit$data) plot(rp, sort(fit$maxima), main = "TMEV", ylab = "return level", xlab = "return period (years)") lines(rp, rl, type = "l")
The 'event_separation' function identifies rainfall events in time-series data based on a minimum rainfall threshold and a separation time between events. It uses morphological operations to detect and separate events, and it can ignore short events that do not meet a minimum duration criterion. Based on Marra...
event_separation( data, separation_in_min = 360, time_resolution = 10, ignore_event_duration = 30, min_rain = 0.1 )
event_separation( data, separation_in_min = 360, time_resolution = 10, ignore_event_duration = 30, min_rain = 0.1 )
data |
A data frame with two columns, observation date and values.
separation_in_min |
Numeric. The minimum dry period (in minutes)
that separates two distinct rainfall events. Default is 360 minutes (6 hours).
Values less than |
time_resolution |
Numeric. The time step resolution of the data (in minutes). For example, if observations are recorded every 10 minutes, 'time_resolution' should be 10. Default is 10 minutes. |
ignore_event_duration |
Numeric. The minimum duration (in minutes) of rainfall required for an event to be considered valid. Events shorter than this will be ignored. Default is 30 minutes. |
min_rain |
Numeric. The minimum rainfall value (e.g., in mm) required for a data point to be considered part of an event. Default is 0.1. |
The function works by first dilating the rainfall data using a structuring element defined by the separation time, followed by erosion to remove noise. It then detects events based on the separation time and the minimum rainfall threshold, returning the time intervals where events occurred. Events that span more than two years or are shorter than the 'ignore_event_duration' are ignored.
A list with the following elements:
'data': A modified version of the input data with an additional
column 'is_event', indicating whether each time step is part of
a detected event (1 for event, 0 for no event). This is useful in the
next step of the event_separation
'fromto': A tibble with two columns, 'from' and 'to', representing the indices of the start ('from') and end ('to') of each detected rainfall event.
'ts_res': The time resolution used in the function (in minutes).
## Not run: # Example data mock_data <- data.frame( groupvar = seq.POSIXt(Sys.time(), by = "10 min", length.out = 100), val = c(rep(0, 10), runif(20, 0, 1), rep(0, 70)) ) # Detect rainfall events with a separation of 6 hours and a minimum rain threshold of 0.1 result <- event_separation(mock_data, separation_in_min = 360, time_resolution = 10, min_rain = 0.1) print(result$fromto) # View detected events ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Example data mock_data <- data.frame( groupvar = seq.POSIXt(Sys.time(), by = "10 min", length.out = 100), val = c(rep(0, 10), runif(20, 0, 1), rep(0, 70)) ) # Detect rainfall events with a separation of 6 hours and a minimum rain threshold of 0.1 result <- event_separation(mock_data, separation_in_min = 360, time_resolution = 10, min_rain = 0.1) print(result$fromto) # View detected events ## End(Not run)
Fit the MEVD distribution to rainfall observations with different estimation methods.
fmev( data, threshold = 0, method = c("pwm", "mle", "ls"), censor = FALSE, censor_opts = list(), warn = TRUE )
fmev( data, threshold = 0, method = c("pwm", "mle", "ls"), censor = FALSE, censor_opts = list(), warn = TRUE )
data |
The data to which the MEVD should be fitted to. |
threshold |
A numeric that is used to define wet days as values > threshold.
method |
Character string describing the method that is used to estimate the
Weibull parameters c and w. Possible options are probability weighted moments ( |
censor |
If |
censor_opts |
An empty list which can be populated with components |
warn |
If |
With the aim of weakening the requirement of an asymptotic assumption for the GEV distribution, a metastatistical approach was proposed by Marani and Ignaccolo (2015). The MEVD is defined in terms of the distribution of the statistical parameters describing "ordinary" daily rainfall occurrence and intensity. The MEVD accounts for the random process of event occurrence in each block and the possibly changing probability distribution of event magnitudes across different blocks, by recognizing the number of events in each block, n, and the values of the shape and scale parameters w and C of the parent Weibull distribution to be realisations of stochastic variables. The MEVD can then be written as
for and
. With T fully recorded years, yearly C and w can be estimated
by fitting a Weibull distribution to the values x of this year, and n is the number of ordinary
events per year, i.e. all rainfall events larger than a threshold.
If the probability distribution of daily rainfall is assumed to be time-invariant, the MEVD can be simplified to
with single values for the shape and scale parameters w and C. n is then the mean number of wet days at this location (Marra et al., 2019; Schellander et al., 2019).
As is shown e.g. Schellander et al., 2019, probability weighted moments should be preferred
over maximum likelihood for the estimation of the Weibull parameters w and C.
Therefore method = 'pwm'
is the default.
The MEVD can also be used for sub-daily precipitation (Marra et al., 2019). In that case n has to be adapted accordingly to the 'mean number of wet events' per year.
This function returns the parameters of the fitted MEVD distribution as well as some additional fitting results and input parameters useful for further analysis.
A list of class mevr
with the fitted Weibull parameters and other helpful ingredients.
c |
vector of Weibull scale parameters of the MEVD, each component refers to one year. |
w |
vector of Weibull shape parameters of the MEVD, each component refers to one year. |
n |
Number of wet events per year. Wet events are defined as rainfall > |
params |
A named vector of the fitted parameters. |
maxima |
Maximum values corresponding to each year. |
data |
years |
Vector of years as YYYY. |
threshold |
The chosen threshold. |
method |
Method used to fit the MEVD. |
type |
The type of distribution ("MEVD") |
Harald Schellander, Alexander Lieb
Marani, M. and Ignaccolo, M. (2015) 'A metastatistical approach to rainfall extremes', Advances in Water Resources. Elsevier Ltd, 79(Supplement C), pp. 121-126. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.03.001.
Schellander, H., Lieb, A. and Hell, T. (2019) 'Error Structure of Metastatistical and Generalized Extreme Value Distributions for Modeling Extreme Rainfall in Austria', Earth and Space Science, 6, pp. 1616-1632. doi: 10.1029/2019ea000557.
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- fmev(dailyrainfall, method = "mle") fit plot(fit)
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- fmev(dailyrainfall, method = "mle") fit plot(fit)
Fit the SMEV distribution to rainfall observations with different estimation methods.
fsmev( data, threshold = 0, method = c("pwm", "mle", "ls"), censor = FALSE, censor_opts = list(), warn = TRUE, sd = FALSE, sd.method = "boot", R = 502 )
fsmev( data, threshold = 0, method = c("pwm", "mle", "ls"), censor = FALSE, censor_opts = list(), warn = TRUE, sd = FALSE, sd.method = "boot", R = 502 )
data |
The data to which the SMEV should be fitted to. |
threshold |
A numeric that is used to define wet days as values > threshold.
method |
Character string describing the method that is used to estimate the
Weibull parameters c and w. Possible options are probability weighted moments ( |
censor |
If |
censor_opts |
An empty list which can be populated with components |
warn |
If |
sd |
If |
sd.method |
Currently only a non parametric bootstrap technique can be used to calculate SMEV confidence intervals with |
R |
The number of samples drawn from the SMEV distribution to calculate the confidence intervals with |
The SMEV was introduced by (Marra et al., 2019) as a simplified version of the MEVD (Marani and Ignaccolo, 2015) with the assumption of a stationary parent Weibull distribution as
for and
being the Weibull shape and scale parameter and
being the mean number of wet days over all years.
Wet days are defined as rainfall events > threshold. As it was shown by
e.g. Schellander et al., 2019, probability weighted moments should be preferred over
maximum likelihood for the estimation of the Weibull parameters w and C. Therefore
method = 'pwm'
is the default.
Confidence intervals of the SMEV distribution can be calculated using a non parametric bootstrap technique. Note that this very slow.
This function returns the parameters of the fitted SMEV distribution as well as some additional fitting results and input parameters useful for further analysis.
A list of class mevr
with components:
c |
Single value of the Weibull scale parameter of the SMEV. |
w |
Single value of the Weibull shape parameter of the SMEV. |
n |
Mean number of wet events, averaged over all years. Wet events are defined as rainfall > |
params |
A named vector of the fitted parameters. |
maxima |
Maximum values corresponding to each year. |
std |
Standard error of fitted parameters (if |
varcov |
Covariance matrix of fitted parameters (if |
data |
years |
Vector of years as YYYY. |
threshold |
The chosen threshold. |
method |
Method used to fit the MEVD. |
censor |
type |
The type of distribution ("SMEV") |
rejected |
If |
Harald Schellander, Alexander Lieb
Marra, F. et al. (2019) 'A simplified MEV formulation to model extremes emerging from multiple nonstationary underlying processes', Advances in Water Resources. Elsevier Ltd, 127(April), pp. 280-290. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.04.002.
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- fsmev(dailyrainfall) fit plot(fit) # left censor data prior to fitting set.seed(123) sample_dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2000-01-01"), to = as.Date("2020-12-31"), by = 1) sample_data <- data.frame(dates = sample_dates, val = sample(rnorm(length(sample_dates)))) d <- sample_data |> filter(val >= 0 & !is.na(val)) fit <- fsmev(d) fit_c <- fsmev(d, censor = TRUE, censor_opts = list(thresholds = c(seq(0.5, 0.9, 0.1), 0.95), mon = 1, nrtrials = 2, R = 100)) rp <- 2:100 rl <- return.levels.mev(fit, return.periods = rp) rl_c <- return.levels.mev(fit_c, return.periods = rp) plot(sort(pp.weibull(fit$maxima)), sort(fit$maxima), xlab = "Return period (a)", ylab = "daily rain (mm)") lines(rl$rp, rl$rl) lines(rl_c$rp, rl_c$rl, col = "red") legend("bottomright", legend = c("std", "censored"), col = c("black", "red"), lty = c(1, 2), lwd = c(1, 1.5), bty = "n")
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- fsmev(dailyrainfall) fit plot(fit) # left censor data prior to fitting set.seed(123) sample_dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2000-01-01"), to = as.Date("2020-12-31"), by = 1) sample_data <- data.frame(dates = sample_dates, val = sample(rnorm(length(sample_dates)))) d <- sample_data |> filter(val >= 0 & !is.na(val)) fit <- fsmev(d) fit_c <- fsmev(d, censor = TRUE, censor_opts = list(thresholds = c(seq(0.5, 0.9, 0.1), 0.95), mon = 1, nrtrials = 2, R = 100)) rp <- 2:100 rl <- return.levels.mev(fit, return.periods = rp) rl_c <- return.levels.mev(fit_c, return.periods = rp) plot(sort(pp.weibull(fit$maxima)), sort(fit$maxima), xlab = "Return period (a)", ylab = "daily rain (mm)") lines(rl$rp, rl$rl) lines(rl_c$rp, rl_c$rl, col = "red") legend("bottomright", legend = c("std", "censored"), col = c("black", "red"), lty = c(1, 2), lwd = c(1, 1.5), bty = "n")
Fit the temporal MEVD distribution TMEV to rainfall observations with a cyclic spline to account for seasonality.
ftmev( data, threshold = 0, minyears = 10, day_year_interaction = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, yday_ti_shape_k = 10, yday_ti_scale_k = 10, year_ti_shape_k = 10, year_ti_scale_k = 10 )
ftmev( data, threshold = 0, minyears = 10, day_year_interaction = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, yday_ti_shape_k = 10, yday_ti_scale_k = 10, year_ti_shape_k = 10, year_ti_scale_k = 10 )
data |
The data to which the TMEV should be fitted to. |
threshold |
A numeric that is used to define wet days as values > threshold.
minyears |
Minimum number of available years for fitting a cyclic spline to the non-stationary data series (see details). |
day_year_interaction |
Logical. Should an additional year vs day of the year
interaction be used for the calculation of the temporal trend in seasonality? (see details). Default is |
verbose |
Logical. If |
yday_ti_shape_k |
A numeric that is used to set the dimension of the bases used to represent the smooth term ti() for yday in the formula for shape. |
yday_ti_scale_k |
A numeric that is used to set the dimension of the bases used to represent the smooth term ti() for yday in the formula for scale. |
year_ti_shape_k |
A numeric that is used to set the dimension of the bases used to represent the smooth term ti() for year in the formula for shape (only used when day_year_interaction == TRUE). |
year_ti_scale_k |
A numeric that is used to set the dimension of the bases used to represent the smooth term ti() for year in the formula for scale (only used when day_year_interaction == TRUE). |
With the aim of exploiting the full temporal information for parameter estimation, Falkensteiner et al., (2023) introduced the TMEV, which is an explicitly non-stationary formulation of the MEVD (Marani and Ignaccolo, 2015). Adopting a Weibull distribution for ordinary rainfall events, the assumption of yearly constant coefficients is relaxed by allowing the Weibull parameters to fluctuate with time. The TMEV can then be written as
with and
being the Weibull shape and scale parameters, and
$A_j \subseteq (1, ..., 366)$ being the wet days in year j. The temporal and
the superimposed seasonal dependence on w and c is modeled with a cyclic seasonal
effect on the day of the year.
Technically this is accomplished by fitting a cyclic spline to the daily rainfall
values. The following formula is used for the fitting procedure of both the Weibull scale and
shape parameter with the function bamlss
from package bamlss
The first effect models the long-term temporal trend of the parameter with a thin-plate spline.
The second effect models the superimposed seasonal fluctuations of the parameter
with the 'day of the year' with a cyclic cubic regression spline and 10 knots,
to ensure a smooth transition between December and January. The number of knots (k)
in the above equation can be set separately for the year and yday effect as well as
separately for the shape and scale parameter of the Weibull distribution. This can be done
by overwriting the parameters yday_ti_shape_k
, yday_ti_scale_k
, year_ti_scale_k
in the call to ftmev
. Note that
these values depend on many factors, such as the structure of the data, the TMEV is fitted to.
Please refer to the documentation of the packages bamlss
in particular mgcv
For data series with lengths < 10 years, the first temporal effect is changed to a simple linear time trend.
For trend analysis, an additional interaction term can be added to the model formula. The following term models the relationship between the seasonality as day of the year and the year itself with a combination of a thin plate and a cyclic cubic spline:
This function returns the parameters of the fitted TMEV distribution as well as some additional fitting results and input parameters useful for further analysis.
A list of class mevr
with components:
c |
Vector of Weibull scale parameters of the TMEV, each row refers to one event, which is a day for daiyl rainfall. |
w |
Vector of Weibull shape parameters of the TMEV, each row refers to one event, which is a day for daiyl rainfall. |
n |
Number of wet events per year. Wet events are defined as rainfall > |
maxima |
Maximum values corresponding to each year. |
data |
A data frame with the data used to fit the TMEV and the fitted Weibull parameters |
years |
Vector of years as YYYY. |
threshold |
The chosen threshold. |
x |
The fitted |
type |
The type of distribution ("TMEV"). |
minyears |
The minimum number of years used to fit the TMEV as provided. |
Marc-Andre Falkensteiner, Harald Schellander
Marani, M. and Ignaccolo, M. (2015) 'A metastatistical approach to rainfall extremes', Advances in Water Resources. Elsevier Ltd, 79(Supplement C), pp. 121-126. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.03.001.
Falkensteiner, M., Schellander, H., Hell, T. (2023) 'Accounting for seasonality in the metastatistical extreme value distribution', (Weather and Climate Extremes, 42, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wace.2023.100601).
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- ftmev(dailyrainfall) plot(fit, type = "rl") # temporal trend of the Weibull parameters pred <- predict(fit) pred_year <- predict(fit, term = "year") boxplot(c.pred ~ year, data = pred) with(pred_year, lines(year - 1970, c.pred.year, type = "b", pch = 20, col = "red"))
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- ftmev(dailyrainfall) plot(fit, type = "rl") # temporal trend of the Weibull parameters pred <- predict(fit) pred_year <- predict(fit, term = "year") boxplot(c.pred ~ year, data = pred) with(pred_year, lines(year - 1970, c.pred.year, type = "b", pch = 20, col = "red"))
The 'ordinary_events' function calculates the rolling sum of values in the provided data over a specified duration and identifies the events with the highest sum within the defined time intervals. It is useful for detecting significant events based on aggregated values over time.
ordinary_events(x, duration, na.rm = TRUE)
ordinary_events(x, duration, na.rm = TRUE)
x |
A list containing at least the following elements (usually the
output of function
duration |
Numeric. The duration in minutes for which maxima shall be calculated. |
na.rm |
Logical. Removes lines with NA values from |
Returns a tibble with individual rainfall events that can be
used as input for functions fsmev
, fmev
, ftmev
## Not run: # Example usage x <- list( data = data.frame(val = runif(100), groupvar = seq.POSIXt(Sys.time(), by = "10 min", length.out = 100) ), ts_res = 10, fromto = data.frame(from = c(1, 51), to = c(50, 100)) ) duration <- 30 result <- ordinary_events(x, duration) print(result) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Example usage x <- list( data = data.frame(val = runif(100), groupvar = seq.POSIXt(Sys.time(), by = "10 min", length.out = 100) ), ts_res = 10, fromto = data.frame(from = c(1, 51), to = c(50, 100)) ) duration <- 30 result <- ordinary_events(x, duration) print(result) ## End(Not run)
A return level plot, qq-plot, pp-plot and a histogram with the fitted density is produced
## S3 method for class 'mevr' plot( x, q = c(2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200), ci = FALSE, type = c("all", "rl", "qq", "pp", "hist"), ... )
## S3 method for class 'mevr' plot( x, q = c(2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200), ci = FALSE, type = c("all", "rl", "qq", "pp", "hist"), ... )
x |
An object of class |
q |
vector of return periods, |
ci |
if |
type |
if omitted a panel with a return level plot ( |
... |
Further parameters may also be supplied as arguments. See e.g. plot. |
No return value, only a plot is produced.
data(dailyrainfall) # fit a simplified MEVD fit <- fsmev(dailyrainfall) fit plot(fit) # fit MEVD fit <- fmev(dailyrainfall, method = "ls") fit plot(fit)
data(dailyrainfall) # fit a simplified MEVD fit <- fsmev(dailyrainfall) fit plot(fit) # fit MEVD fit <- fmev(dailyrainfall, method = "ls") fit plot(fit)
Calculates the Weibull plotting position for the given maxima
x |
Numeric vector of block maxima |
A numeric vector of Weibull plotting positions corresponding to the given maxima x
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- fsmev(dailyrainfall) rp <- pp.weibull(fit$maxima) rl <- return.levels.mev(fit, return.periods = rp) plot(rp, sort(fit$maxima), xlab = "Return period (years)", ylab = "Return level", main = fit$type) lines(rp, rl$rl)
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- fsmev(dailyrainfall) rp <- pp.weibull(fit$maxima) rl <- return.levels.mev(fit, return.periods = rp) plot(rp, sort(fit$maxima), xlab = "Return period (years)", ylab = "Return level", main = fit$type) lines(rp, rl$rl)
Takes a mevr
object where the TMEV has been fitted to rainfall data and calculates
predictions for the distributional parameters and the model terms. Basically
a wrapper to the corresponding function predict.bamlss
## S3 method for class 'mevr' predict(object, newdata, term, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mevr' predict(object, newdata, term, ...)
object |
Object of class |
newdata |
A data frame with the model covariates (year, yday) at which predictions are required.
Note that depending on argument term, only covariates that are needed by the corresponding model terms need to be supplied.
If not supplied, predictions are made on the data supplied by the fitted object |
term |
Character of the model terms for which predictions shall be calculated.
Can only be |
... |
Arguments passed to prediction functions that are part of a bamlss.family object, i.e., the objects has a $predict() function that should be used instead. |
See also the details of ftmev
for an explanation of the model terms used to fit the temporal trend
of the Weibull parameters. The basis dimensions yday_ti_shape_k,
yday_ti_scale_k, year_ti_shape_k, year_ti_scale_k are taken from
the fitting process, i.e. the call to ftmev
A data.frame with the supplied covariables and the predicted parameters.
data(dailyrainfall) # restrict for the sake of speed idx <- which(as.POSIXlt(dailyrainfall$date)$year + 1900 < 1976) data <- dailyrainfall[idx, ] f <- ftmev(data, minyears = 5) predict(f, term = "year")
data(dailyrainfall) # restrict for the sake of speed idx <- which(as.POSIXlt(dailyrainfall$date)$year + 1900 < 1976) data <- dailyrainfall[idx, ] f <- ftmev(data, minyears = 5) predict(f, term = "year")
Print nicely formatted output of the fit to the MEVD and its variants
## S3 method for class 'mevr' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
## S3 method for class 'mevr' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
x |
Object of class |
digits |
Number of digits. |
... |
Additional parameters. |
A nicely formatted output of the fitting results.
data(dailyrainfall) # fit a simplified MEVD fit <- fsmev(dailyrainfall) print(fit)
data(dailyrainfall) # fit a simplified MEVD fit <- fsmev(dailyrainfall) print(fit)
Calculate return levels for a MEVD, SMEV or TMEV extreme value distributions
from an object of class mevr
return.levels.mev( x, return.periods = c(2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200), ci = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, method = "boot", R = 502, ncores = 2L )
return.levels.mev( x, return.periods = c(2, 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200), ci = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, method = "boot", R = 502, ncores = 2L )
x |
An object of class |
return.periods |
A vector of return periods in years, excluding 1. |
ci |
If |
alpha |
Number between zero and one giving the |
method |
Character string giving the method for confidence interval calculation. Option |
R |
The number of bootstrap iterations. |
ncores |
Number of cores used for parallel computing of confidence intervals. Defaults to 2. |
Note that bootstraping the confidence intervals is very slow.
A list with return levels, chosen return periods and, if ci=TRUE
and 1 - alpha/2
confidence intervals.
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- fmev(dailyrainfall) return.levels.mev(fit) plot(fit)
data(dailyrainfall) fit <- fmev(dailyrainfall) return.levels.mev(fit) plot(fit)
This functions provides a way to test if observed rainfall maxima from a data series are likely samples from a parent distribution with a Weibull tail. The concept and the code is based on the paper Marra F, W Amponsah, SM Papalexiou, 2023. Non-asymptotic Weibull tails explain the statistics of extreme daily precipitation. Adv. Water Resour., 173, 104388, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2023.104388. They also provide the corresponding Matlab code (https://zenodo.org/records/7234708).
weibull_tail_test( data, threshold = 0, mon = 1, cens_quant = 0.9, p_test = 0.1, R = 500 )
weibull_tail_test( data, threshold = 0, mon = 1, cens_quant = 0.9, p_test = 0.1, R = 500 )
data |
A data.frame |
threshold |
A numeric that is used to define wet days as values > threshold. |
mon |
This month defines the block whose maxima will be tested. The block goes from month-YYYY-1 to month-YYYY. |
cens_quant |
The quantile at which the tail test should be performed. Must be a single numeric. |
p_test |
A numeric defining the 1 - p_test confidence band. This function tests the ratio of observed block maxima below p_test and above 1 - p_test. See details. |
R |
The number of synthetic samples. |
Null-Hyothesis: block maxima are samples from a parent distribution with Weibull tail (tail defined by a given left-censoring threshold). If the fraction of observed block maxima outside of the interval defined by p_test is larger than p_test the null hypothesis is rejected.
A tibble with the test outcome and other useful results:
is_rejected |
outcome of the test (TRUE means that the assumption of Weibull tails for the given left-censoring threshold is rejected). |
p_out |
fraction of block maxima outside of the Y = 1 - p_out confidence interval |
p_hi |
fraction of block maxima above the Y = 1 - p_out confidence interval |
p_lo |
fraction of block maxima below the Y = 1 - p_out confidence interval |
scale |
scale parameter of the Weibull distribution describing the non-censored samples |
shape |
shape parameter of the Weibull distribution describing the non-censored samples |
quant |
the quantile used as left-censoring threshold |
data("dailyrainfall") weibull_tail_test(dailyrainfall) # generate data set.seed(123) sample_dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2000-01-01"), to = as.Date("2010-12-31"), by = 1) sample_data <- data.frame(dates = sample_dates, val = sample(rnorm(length(sample_dates)))) d <- sample_data |> filter(val >= 0 & !is.na(val)) fit_uncensored <- fsmev(d) # censor the data thresholds <- c(seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1), 0.95) p_test <- 0.1 res <- lapply(thresholds, function(x) { weibull_tail_test(d, cens_quant = x, p_test = p_test, R = 200) }) res <- do.call(rbind, res) # find the optimal left-censoring threshold cens <- censored_weibull_fit(res, thresholds) cens$optimal_threshold cens$quantile # plot return levels censored vs uncensored rp <- c(2:100) rl_uncensored <- return.levels.mev(fit_uncensored, return.periods = rp)$rl rl_censored <- qmev(1 - 1/rp, cens$shape, cens$scale, fit_uncensored$n) plot(rp, rl_uncensored, type = "l", log = "x", ylim = c(0, max(rl_censored, rl_uncensored)), ylab = "return level", xlab = "return period (a)") points(pp.weibull(fit_uncensored$maxima), sort(fit_uncensored$maxima)) lines(rp, rl_censored, type = "l", col = "red") legend("bottomright", legend = c("uncensored", paste0("censored at ", round(cens$optimal_threshold, 1), "mm")), col = c("black", "red"), lty = c(1, 1))
data("dailyrainfall") weibull_tail_test(dailyrainfall) # generate data set.seed(123) sample_dates <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2000-01-01"), to = as.Date("2010-12-31"), by = 1) sample_data <- data.frame(dates = sample_dates, val = sample(rnorm(length(sample_dates)))) d <- sample_data |> filter(val >= 0 & !is.na(val)) fit_uncensored <- fsmev(d) # censor the data thresholds <- c(seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1), 0.95) p_test <- 0.1 res <- lapply(thresholds, function(x) { weibull_tail_test(d, cens_quant = x, p_test = p_test, R = 200) }) res <- do.call(rbind, res) # find the optimal left-censoring threshold cens <- censored_weibull_fit(res, thresholds) cens$optimal_threshold cens$quantile # plot return levels censored vs uncensored rp <- c(2:100) rl_uncensored <- return.levels.mev(fit_uncensored, return.periods = rp)$rl rl_censored <- qmev(1 - 1/rp, cens$shape, cens$scale, fit_uncensored$n) plot(rp, rl_uncensored, type = "l", log = "x", ylim = c(0, max(rl_censored, rl_uncensored)), ylab = "return level", xlab = "return period (a)") points(pp.weibull(fit_uncensored$maxima), sort(fit_uncensored$maxima)) lines(rp, rl_censored, type = "l", col = "red") legend("bottomright", legend = c("uncensored", paste0("censored at ", round(cens$optimal_threshold, 1), "mm")), col = c("black", "red"), lty = c(1, 1))